"Clarity is power." - T Harv Eker, author of The Millionaire Mind

Why is clarity power?

Have you ever tried to get somewhere without knowing where you wanted to go? I mean, it could be fun to be spontaneous and hop in the car and just drive, stopping somewhere just because it seems interesting but could you do that everyday? For most of us, the answer is not now because we have goals and maybe jobs or businesses, other people we are collaborating with personally and professionally. Plus, we might never see the things or do the things with the people who matter most because we didn't have a plan. And yet, many people live their lives without clarity about what they want their lives to be, and the days pass and they haven't done the things that mattered most or spent time with the people they care about.

What about you? Do you have clarity around what matters most to you? Could you use some support in getting clear so you can have more fulfillment and harmony in your life?

If so, I have great news! You might have already seen that I am offering a FREE 5 day challenge on facebook starting tomorrow, Monday, June 21 through Friday, June 25. Check it out and sign up here: What do you REALLY want? Free 5-day challenge

We are going to do a short meditation each day and I will be sharing journal prompts with you to help you figure out what you REALLY want so you can step into that vision!

One thing I learned from this past year and a half, is that we don't know what might happen but we can choose in favor of what matters most to us no matter what else is happening. But first, we have to know what that is! 

I hope you will join me on this free journey inward to discover what you REALLY want!

We start tomorrow! So register now to be sure you receive the emails so you don't miss out!

Your Soul to Goal Guide,


PS Here is another way to gain clarity - The Passion Test workshop! It is a perfect complement to the free challenge and will give you a boost in how to create a life you love! Monday, June 21 5:30 - 9 pm EST

Find out more and register here: Take the Passion Test

Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart