Season's Greetings! Whatever holidays you are celebrating this season, may they be filled with blessings! 

It has been a busy week for me as we head into December. Much of what I had planned has been rearranged due to a family member having some health challenges. I am grateful that I am able to rework my schedule to be with them and help as I am able. I am also grateful for friends who are healers and their willingness to share their gifts of healing.

Practicing gratitude is one thing that can help us get through challenging times. Do you have a gratitude practice? 

One of the things I like to do is keep a gratitude journal and spend a few minutes each day writing down at least 3 things that I am grateful for that day. Sometimes, I choose to focus on a theme such as my health and all the things I am grateful for and appreciate about my health.

Did you know that what you focus on expands? When you focus on the things you are grateful for, you will find more to be appreciative of in your life.

I think gratitude is so important that I am offering a gift of gratitude. It's An Attitude of Gratitude: A 5-day Grateful Heart Journey. It started December 5 but you can still join and receive the daily emails with prompts to guide you on expanding your gratitude practice as we go through the holiday season. It is a great gift for yourself! (and those around you!)  You can start any time and share in our Thrive Tribe community.

You can sign up here: I want An Attitude of Gratitude


There are only a few days left to save 30% on Create a Life You Love Jumpstart Package! If you are ready to create success on your terms, you can start now by naming and claiming what it is you truly desire in your heart of hearts. I can guide you through processes designed to help you identify your passions and purpose and create a compelling vision that will inspire you to live your best year ever! As your accountiblity partner, I will empower you to move confidently in the direction of your dreams!

Schedule a complimentary Love Your Life 15 minute call to find out more and see if this is the your next best step:

Let's work together to create your best year ever in 2023!

Speaking of that, save the date for the 2023 Design Your Life Dreamshop on January 29! This is a virtual playshop where you will dream and decide what you want to claim for the next decade and then what to focus on in 2023! It will include a Vision Board workshop with elements of Feng Shui! 

When you have a vision that inspires you, you will take action towards the life you desire and enjoy everyday more! Mark your calendars now for the afternoon of Januaray 29 and watch for more details soon!

 Happy Holidays to you and yours! May you experience peace, love and joy!








Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart