Lately, I have been hearing a lot about self-love. I have been on my own journey lately as I watch my children becoming adults and learning how to love themselves and believe in themselves. Our children often are wonderful mirrors for reflecting back to us those areas we have to heal. 

One of my friends and I have also been talking about healing our ancestral lineage. Last year, I worked with a coach and healer who helped me do a lot of that, letting go of things I carried in my body that were not really mine to carry any more.

We spoke about how when we heal ourselves, we heal the past generation and the future generation, our ancestors and our children. That can feel like a big responsibility sometimes; other times, I feel the power and possibility that exists when I am willing to release and to love. 

There are some ways we can heal generationally gently. We can choose to let go of what no longer serves us. We can work with healers who offer Reiki, energy work, and other modes of healing. We can grieve, cry, dance, laugh our way through it.

I personally feel one of the things that is most important is to love myself. And I feel passionate about leading you back to your heart and supporting you in loving yourself.

One thing I have had a tendency to do is be hard on myself, even when I know that doesn't make me better! When I focus on what I don't like about myself, or how I haven't done enough, I only find more things to be unhappy about, don't you?

So, I am on a journey to love myself more! To open my heart and allow myself to feel love on a grand scale! 

I would love for you to join me on this journey! I feel called to share Be Your Own Valentine: A Self-Love Experience with you. If you feel called to come along for the ride, the details are below.



Here is a book I have used to explore self-love.

Megan Logan Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are 

I might lead a book study on this. Is that something you would be interested in? If so, let me know!



Be Your Own Valentine: A Self-Love Experience

You are a wonderful, worthy, deserving woman! And now more than ever, it is important to remember that and to experience love from within. 

You have a huge heart and a penchant for giving and sometimes, you might forget to give to yourself! 

We are going to journey together and remember the glorious person you are, talk about boundaries and nurturing yourself and celebrate your beautiful soul!

It all starts Monday, February 13. For five days, you will receive an email along with journal prompts, affirmations and meditations that empower you to embrace love for yourself! Sign up here for this free experience Be Your Own Valentine: A Self-Love Experience (

Give yourself the gift of love!


Happy Valentine's Day!

Your Soul to Goal Guide,



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Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart