(You may have received this previously and if so, I hope you enjoyed it. I am sending again because there was a glitch in the system and some people did not receive the newsletter who had signed up for it. I tried to find a way to send it only to those who had not received it, but was unable to do so. In an effort to ensure no one was overlooked, I sent to everyone and hope it is received with the love I am sending with it!)

Are you feeling like life is a bit too busy? I know I feel that way sometimes. It seems like there is a never-ending barrage of options and things to do. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and let the things that matter most slip by.

That is one reason I spoke about creating harmony in your life at the recent Empower Women's Conference. The theme, "Balance and Boundaries" resonated with the almost 200 women in attendance.

So often, when we feel off-balance, it is because we are actually out of alignment with who we are and what matters most to us.

How do we avoid that?

Well, first we have to be clear about what we really want and desire in our lives. We have to know what matters most to us.

Here are the four foundational questions to ask yourself in order to have a solid basis, an internal GPS, for your life.

1) What are your core values?

These are the principles you stand by, the things that matter most to you. Yours might be compassion, pleasure, authenticity or influence, courage or belonging. For me, my top five are family, love, freedom, creativity and spirituality.

2) What are your core desires? How do you want to feel?

When it comes down to it, this is vital as all the things we think we want are really about the feeling we think it will provide. Advertisers know this and direct their advertising towards satisfying our core desires so we think their product is what will provide the feeling but in reality, the feeling must arise from within you. Perhaps you desire to feel cheerful, fulfilled, grateful, or bold. My core desires are: peaceful, fulfilled, joyous, open-hearted and passionate.

3) What are your passions? What are the things you love to be/do/have? What are those activities that when you do them, you lose track of time? You feel "in the zone"?

Do you love being in nature? Gardening? Pickleball? Painting? Singing? Being with your children, playing game, laughing? Volunteering? 

For me, it is being with my family, being at the beach, reading a great novel, laughing with friends and empowering people to love themselves and their lives through my coaching, speaking and workshops.

4) What is your purpose? What is the one thing you feel you are here to do? 

This can seem inundating to think about but really, it is a culmination of the first three questions along with your gifts. To me, it is like an umbrella statement that serves as the guiding light for your life.

Here is my purpose statement:

To inspire and empower people to live their dreams using my love and intuition in order to create a happier, more harmonious world.

By answering these four questions, you will gain clarity and the confidence to make choices based on what matters most to you. When you have your internal GPS set to where you want to go, it is easier to plan for success on your terms.

Want to go a bit deeper into these questions? Join my free Ignite Your Inner Spark: A 5-day Journey to Discover What Moves You and spend some time each day going within and getting clarity on your passions and purpose so you can take action to create a life you love. Join Ignite Your Inner Spark: A 5-day journey to discover what moves you here.

And, as I told the women at the conference, be sure to schedule what matters first and keep those appointments as you would a doctor appointment. The only way to advance in the direction of your dreams is to know what they are and to plan the action you will take to create the life you love!

You've got this! And if you need extra encouragement or accountibility, I've got you! 



Recently, I was invited to be a guest on "Organizing with Ease" with Diana Moll. She provides inspiration and guidance on decluttering and organizing. We had a great time. Here is the intro to the episode: 
"In this episode, we're thrilled to welcome Laura Wade, an amazing Soul to Goal Guide and Empowerment Coach. Laura helps you transition from striving to thriving, from overwhelm to harmony and happiness. No matter where you are on your journey, she inspires you to go within and bring forth your authentic, powerful expression and way of being to enjoy life more every day.
Tune in as Laura shares her top three tips to help you thrive:
1️⃣ Create a Morning Self-Care Routine (GO JAMM): Start your day with practices that support your success and well-being.
2️⃣ Notice What Brings You Joy: Identify the activities and moments that make you happiest and incorporate more of them into your life.
3️⃣ Prioritize Your Passions and Purpose: Schedule what matters most to you. Make time for what truly lights you up!
Don't miss this inspiring conversation! Learn how you can move from overwhelm to harmony and start thriving every day."


There are a lot of new things coming soon! 

I will be offering a brand new mastermind for women who are ready to uplevel their lives and have the clarity, confidence and courage to move forward in living their dreams. Over five months, you will receive training, encouragement, support and accountibility to create the life you crave! Keep opening your emails to be the first to know about the mastermind and get on the waitlist!

I am also changing some of my service packages and pricing. so if you have ever considered working with me, now is the perfect time! Currently, I have 3 openings for my Jumpstart Soul to Goal Living Package. 

If you want to gain clarity, confidence and courage and live your passions and purpose, the Jumpstart Soul To Goal Living Package is for you. As your accountibility partner, I will empower you to go within and see the truth of who you really are and how you can create a life you love by being YOU!

The package includes:

Six 30-minute laser strategy sessions to empower you to prioritize your life based on what matters most so you can get out of overwhelm and into harmony. 

 Get clear about what you REALLY want so you move out of confusion and uncertainty

 Uncover old stories and limiting beliefs to get unstuck

 Reframe old stories and release limiting beliefs so you can move forward

 Create a Compelling Vision that gets you excited about your life

 Move out of overwhelm into harmony

 Make choices based on what matters most to you so you feel fulfilled

 Believe you are worthy of your vision

 Create an action plan to fulfill your vision and have the confidence to act on it!

If you are ready to uplevel your life, to envision your dreams and emerge into them, let's do this!

I only have 3 spots available at my current price.

My current pricing will be changing soon so if you are interested in a personalized Soul to Goal Package, and want one of the three remaining spots, you can register here.  I'm ready for my Jumpstart Soul to Goal Package

If you have questions and would like to discuss your next best step, schedule a complimentary, no obligation Love Your Life call here.

Your Soul to Goal Guide,




Facebook: Laura Leighty Wade



Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart