
Happy New Year! At the start of a new year, we often make resolutions about what we want to do and who we want to be. What if you just made one resolution? To be happy being you.

What would that look and feel like to you? If you loved yourself and believed that you are perfect just the way you are? Even with any perceived imperfections. Does that mean there aren't areas you could "improve"? No, it means that you are exactly where you are meant to be right now and you are already all you dream about being...somewhere inside of you is your Highest, Grandest Version of you. And what is holding you back from being ALL that, is your thinking about yourself and what is possible. 

But I know that you are an amazing person, worthy of living your greatest dreams and shining like the brilliant star you are... do you believe that? If you don't, when would be a good time to start? And if you would like someone to hold your vision with you, I can help.

Cool Resource

I always like to recommend a resource that I believe has value and can empower you on your journey. This time, I recommend my free guide, "5 Steps to Falling in Love with Your Life Again". It helps you discover your purpose and write a purpose statement to help guide you as you make choices and move forward in life. 

Grab your copy here: 5 Steps to Falling in Love With Your Life Again

Even if you have done something similar in the past, I find it is valuable to do again to see where you are in life now. The new year is an ideal time to do this.

Upcoming Events

Speaking of ideal times to get clear about what matters most to you, it is the time of year when I offer the LifeVision 2023 Dreamshop. This year, I will be offering it via zoom on January 29 from 1:30-7:30 EST. 

To truly live the life of your dreams and enjoy life more every day, it is important to have a vision for what that means to you.  What matters most to you? What are you passionate about? What is your purpose? How can you say "yes" more often to the things you want and "no" to the things you don't? How do you manifest your desires? How do you create more harmony and happiness?

When you have a compelling vision, you can move forward confidently. You can BE the best version of your true self and show up every day authentically, loving yourself and your life. 

It's a wonderful life! Are you ready to claim it?  If so, click I am! for details and to save your spot. 

Because I want to be able to interact with everyone during the dreamshop, space is limited. To get the early bird price, sign up now. Yes to Life Vision Dreamshop

Let's make 2023 the best year ever! 

Join me, Your Soul to Goal Guide, to go within, get real and get connected to your soul's desires so you can create goals with soul!



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Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart