Below is the newsletter I sent a few days ago. You might have noticed #3 says "Do more of the things in #3!" Well, I meant "Do more of the things in #2!" And if you aren't sure about what your passions are, you can join me on zoom May 8 to discover your passions! See below in Upcoming Events for details! Have a fantastic weekend!


Spring is here! As the seasons change, we may become more aware of where we are in our season of life. Spring often brings with it a desire to start anew, to plant seeds that will grow and reap results. Are you noticing areas you would like a fresh start? Maybe you want to declutter or learn something new. Or get outdoors more, make new friends or re-connect with old friends? What is calling you forth?

The outdoors is calling me for sure! As I walked with a friend yesterday, I noticed the birds singing, the lush green grass and leaves and the bright sunshine, and I gave thanks for our wonderful world! I also feel something new is emerging within me; or perhaps more accurately, I am breaking out of my shell like baby birds do, expanding my world and my work. It is an exciting time as we emerge into the world. 

I just completed a 3 day Breakthrough to Success training with Jack Canfield, creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and best-selling author of several books including The Success Principles (which I highly recommend: Even though many of the principles and strategies Jack shares are familiar to me since I have been following his work for many years, I still came away inspired to implement more of the tools and techniques to spring forward in my life! 

What are some of tools you use to prioritize your life based on what matters most to you? What habits and routines help you stay on track to enjoy your life?

One of the tools I have shared for many years is The Passion Test. Created by Janet Attwood, it is a way to get in touch with the things you love and desire so you can focus on those things and have a more fulfilling life. The Passion Test helps you gain clarity around what your heart desires.

Here are 7 ways you can use this time of renewal to renew your energy and breath life into your passions:

1. Breathe! This is an easy one and yet it is surprising how shallow of breaths we take sometimes! Take time every day to really breathe deep into your diaphragm. Expand your belly and take in the oxygen and air that is so life-affirming!

2. Notice what brings you joy. When does a smile spread across your face? What brought that smile to you? 

3. Do more of those things in #3! Spend more time doing what you love with whom you love!

4. Express gratitude. There are many ways to do this. I keep a gratitude journal and write 3 things every morning that I am grateful for in my life. I have a friend who is doing a 1000 gratitude challenge in 10 days! 

5. Show appreciation. Did you know that is what most people would like more of - to be shown appreciation? Who do you know that you could appreciate today? When we extend appreciation, it has the benefit of lifting up the person as well as yourself!

6. Move it! Your body, that is! Movement gets energy flowing and frees up our emotions by actually helping move them through and out of our bodies. It gets us out of our heads so fresh energy and ideas can flow in. One easy and quick thing to do is shake it out! 

7. Meditate. Sit in silence. Be still. Connect with your divine essence and just be. Our days can be so busy, we forget to be still. In the stillness, we can feel into our spirit and be at peace.

I would love to hear which of these resonate with you? Does one really speak to you right now? What practices do you have that I didn't list? I hope you will share so others can benefit!

Happy Spring! This is a fabulous time to renew you!




The Passion Test is a simple effective way to get clear about what matters most to you and move out of overwhelm into harmony and happiness! This is a great time to figure out what that means to you! 

Saturday, May 8

1 - 4 pm EST

via zoom

For more information and to register:

 Take the Passion Test (

"Laura makes it simple to figure out how to prioritize the activities you spend your time on to bring the most passion and joy to your life. As someone who wants do EVERYTHING, all the time, yet feels overwhelmed and unfulfilled as a result, this class was very valuable to me. Everyone needs to take it at least once to discover your baseline to a life a of joy. You may be surprised to uncover that the things that mean the most to you are the things you spend the least amount of time on." - Beth B.

Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart