Musings and Motivation

We are on the brink of summer here in Virginia. The daylight hours are longer, and the weather is warmer. Maybe because I grew up in Florida, I enjoy the sunshine a lot! The feel of its warmth on my skin is invigorating. I find stepping out in the morning and tilting my face upward to greet the sun a wonderful way to start my day!

How do you like to start your day? Do you have a special routine? What does it include? 

I like to follow a process I call GO JAMM! What is that you ask? Here are my 7 key daily habits for success and self-care:

G - Gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal or write 3-5 things you are grateful for in your daily journal. Having a separate journal allows you to go back and flip through and see all the things you are grateful for in your life.

O - Outside. This is a 2-fer! Get outside and enjoy nature (like the sun on your face!) and be conscious of outside influences. What we listen to, watch on TV, read and who we hang out with all influence our lives either consciously or unconsciously.

J - Journal. Writing out our thoughts, feelings, fears, ideas, and anything else that comes up can help us process what is happening in our lives. It can help us see patterns and let go of what no longer serves us. It can also free up space so new ideas can flow to us.

A - Affirm. Use affirmations to affirm what you want to be, do and have consistently and with feeling. Visualize your life as if it already is what you affirm.

M - Meditate. Allow yourself to just be, without any expectation. Meditation is a time when we get inspired ideas and connect to Source.

M - Move. Dance, do yoga, walk, stretch, shake, jump, bike.... anything to move your body and allow your e-motion to be energy in motion! Move it through you and give yourself the gift of taking care of your body (and mind and spirit! Moving helps all the things!)

Even if you can only spend a short time each morning on each of these areas, it can set you up for a successful day! And a successful life is a series of successful days!


Want to test the Law of Attraction and have fun while doing it? Check out the book E2 by Pam Grout. In it, she gives you experiments to perform to deepen understanding and use of the LOA. Don't worry, the experiments aren't complicated. They are actually fun! 


Body Mind Spirit Fest at Unity of Roanoke Valley

Join me June 17-19 for the 10th annual Body Mind Spirit Fest!

Featuring holistic health practitioners, eco & green products, jewelry, artwork, essential oils, intuitive readers, drum circle, guided labyrinth walks, kirtan, and more! The featured guest presentation is Friday evening, plus there is a full day of inspiring talks and more on Saturday. On Sunday we have a drop in Sacred Sound Circle and more!
Tickets sold at the door $7.00 a day or $10.00 for a weekend pass 
Unity of Roanoke Valley
3300 Green Ridge Road
Roanoke VA 24019

Create a Life You Love: Take The Passion Test

One of the tools I have shared for many years is The Passion Test. Created by Janet Attwood, it is a way to get in touch with the things you love and desire so you can focus on those things and have a more fulfilling life. The Passion Test helps you gain clarity around what your heart desires. It is a simple effective way to get clear about what matters most to you and move out of overwhelm into harmony and happiness! This is a great time to figure out what that means to you! 

Sunday, June 26

1 - 4 pm EST

Unity of Roanoke Valley

For more information and to register:

 Take the Passion Test (

"Laura makes it simple to figure out how to prioritize the activities you spend your time on to bring the most passion and joy to your life. As someone who wants do EVERYTHING, all the time, yet feels overwhelmed and unfulfilled as a result, this class was very valuable to me. Everyone needs to take it at least once to discover your baseline to a life a of joy. You may be surprised to uncover that the things that mean the most to you are the things you spend the least amount of time on." - Beth B.

For the latest news and inspiration, follow me on Facebook: Thrive by Heart | Facebook



Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart