There has been a lot happening in my life, lately. What about you? Are you finding that the days are going by too fast? That unexpected twists and turns are taking you on a journey off the path you had planned? 

The ride has been a little bumpy for me the past few months. One thing I am grateful for is that I have personal practices in place to help me through it. Things like meditating and writing in my journal, breathwork and affirmations. Having things in place that anchor us and having a vision, so we know what path we want to take help us get back on track as we navigate any detours that appear. 

I love sharing things that work for me and I will be doing a free Facebook journey (or challenge) starting September 26. It will be a time for you to practice some habits that set you up for success as we head into the last quarter of the year. More details will be sent soon once I have finalized some prizes! 

In the meantime, I would love to hear what are some of the ways you ground yourself? What are some of your daily habits for success? Do you have vision plan?  

Following are some resources and events that can help you find practices to empower you and create a vision, so you fall in love with your life!


If you have been following me for a while, you know that one of my mentors is Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and author of several best-selling books including The Success Principles which I highly recommend. One of my favorite Jack events is coming up soon. Breakthrough to Success is a weekend you won't forget! It is an opportunity to learn from Jack and catapult yourself to your next level. Here is a link for more information:

It's happening October 7-9. If you decide to register, I may receive a small compensation for referring you.




Would you like to align your life with what matters most? Have more balance and fulfillment?

Join me for Create a Life You Love: Take The Passion Test via Zoom on Tuesday, September 27 from 6-9 pm.

For more information and to register:

  "I participated in the Create a Life You Love workshop in 2018. I appreciated the work and the guidance that Laura provided. I left feeling motivated and optimistic. As I moved through the next few days, I noticed a shift in my daily activities and priorities. I was more focused on my to do list so that I had time and energy left for things that I had identified as being important." - Monica N.


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Laura Wade
Thrive by Heart