About Laura

Laura is a Soul to Goal Guide and Empowerment Coach who works with you to help you move from striving to thriving, from overwhelm to harmony and happiness. No matter where you are on your journey, she inspires you to go within and bring forth your authentic, powerful expression and way of being to enjoy life more every day.

Laura knows that having clarity about what matters most to you is the first step in creating a life you love. Working with her will empower you to get clear about what you want, uncover and release limiting beliefs and blocks, make conscious choices in the present and create the future you desire. All while inviting you to see you are exactly where you need to be to step into the highest grandest version of yourself because you have everything you need within and she reflects that back to you.

Laura has landed speaking engagements at the Reclaim Women's Conference, the National Association for Parents of Multiples, the Mid-Atlantic Parents of Multiples, and as a keynote for the Project Managers Association among others.

In addition to her extensive experience in personal development training, she has worked in public relations and sales training where she delivered the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and a program she developed called The Human Touch. She was a Certified On-Purpose Person Mentor and has been a Certified Passion Test Facilitator since 2007. Laura holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Indiana University.

A self-professed learning-junkie, Laura loves personal development and sharing the things she has integrated into her life with her clients and in the programs she develops. Since 1994, Laura has studied and trained with masters including Janet Attwood, Jack Canfield and Patty Aubrey. She believes investing in yourself is the best investment you can make and consistently does so. 

Laura resides in Roanoke, VA with her husband Steve and two dogs. She is Mom to three amazing young adults (including twins!). When she’s not helping clients live a life of passion and purpose, she stays busy as a freelance writer, community volunteer, avid reader and loving wife and mom.



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What others are saying

"I participated in the Create the Life you Love workshop in 2018. I appreciated the work and the guidance that Laura provided. I left feeling motivated and optimistic. As I moved through the next few days, I noticed a shift in my daily activities and priorities. I was more focused on my to do list so that I had time and energy left for things that I had identified as being important. A few weeks later as I reviewed the information I decided that I would use what I was given at the workshop to define my ideal client. I loved what I created and it still hangs on the wall in my office. I have looked back over the materials several times in the past couple of years always noticing something new. This workshop was, and continues to be, a transformative experience. Thanks Laura." - Monica N.